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This work pioneers exploring and building powerful Multilingual Math Reasoning (xMR) LLMs. To accomplish this, we make the following works:



Training Dataset En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MGSM8KInstruct 7473 7472 7466 6539 7466 7470 7469 7471 7361 7473 73.6K


Test Dataset En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MSVAMP 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 10K

Overall Results on MGSM

7B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 52.0 23.6 31.6 18.8 38.0 39.2 36.4 27.2 33.6 21.6 32.2
xRFT-MathOctopusC 51.2 24.0 33.2 18.8 36.0 41.2 37.6 29.6 36.4 25.2 33.3
MathOctopusP-LoRA 30.4 15.2 23.6 10.4 22.8 24.8 26.4 18.0 22.0 14.8 20.8
MathOctopusP 52.4 39.2 38.4 28.8 44.8 42.4 43.6 36.0 39.6 34.4 40.0
xRFT-MathOctopusP 54.8 38.4 45.2 33.2 43.6 45.2 38.0 35.6 48.4 36.4 41.9

13B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 56.4 27.2 39.2 24.0 47.6 49.6 47.6 40.4 42.0 24.8 39.9
xRFT-MathOctopusC 53.6 28.0 45.2 21.2 48.0 46.4 46.0 35.2 45.6 28.8 39.8
MathOctopusP 53.2 42.8 48.8 35.2 44.4 48.0 48.4 43.2 47.6 46.8 45.8
xRFT-MathOctopusP 51.6 46.0 51.2 42.0 49.2 53.2 49.6 39.6 47.6 46.0 47.6

30-34B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 55.6 24.4 36.0 19.2 40.4 51.2 44.4 27.2 37.2 21.6 35.7
xRFT-MathOctopusC 53.6 27.6 34.4 19.2 47.2 47.6 44.8 30.8 38.8 22.8 36.7
MathOctopusP 56.4 46.8 52.0 35.2 47.2 53.2 48.0 39.2 45.6 41.2 46.5
xRFT-MathOctopusP 51.6 47.2 52.4 37.6 51.2 52.8 44.4 41.6 50.0 47.6 47.6

Overall Results on MSVAMP

7B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 49.2 36.6 43.6 30.2 48.6 46.8 46.4 42.5 46.7 34.0 42.5
xRFT-MathOctopusC 49.9 37.7 43.3 32.9 46.5 47.6 47.3 42.7 46.6 36.2 43.1
MathOctopusP-LoRA 30.4 15.2 23.6 10.4 22.8 24.8 26.4 18.0 22.0 14.8 20.8
MathOctopusP 46.5 40.1 42.5 29.1 43.5 45.4 46.0 42.5 45.4 35.7 41.7
xRFT-MathOctopusP 46.8 42.3 43.2 32.8 43.1 44.5 45.3 43.2 42.1 40.5 42.4

13B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 56.6 40.4 49.0 30.3 50.9 54.2 54.7 46.3 52.4 35.7 47.1
xRFT-MathOctopusC 52.9 41.9 49.2 34.1 50.5 52.8 51.5 45.8 50.2 35.7 46.5
MathOctopusP 50.7 43.4 42.6 31.8 48.4 49.4 50.6 41.1 46.9 39.3 44.4
xRFT-MathOctopusP 44.6 43.4 46.4 34.2 47.7 48.2 49.9 43.1 48.2 39.5 44.5

30-34B Model En Sw Zh Bn De Es Fr Ja Ru Th Overall
MathOctopusC 51.5 42.1 46.2 23.2 50.5 52.1 52.9 42.2 50.5 33.4 44.5
xRFT-MathOctopusC 48.1 42.8 43.6 23.3 48.7 50.0 48.9 43.4 44.6 35.5 42.9
MathOctopusP 56.4 46.8 52.0 35.2 47.2 53.2 48.0 39.2 45.6 41.2 46.5
xRFT-MathOctopusP 48.0 42.3 46.1 36.2 47.5 48.5 48.3 45.8 47.2 41.2 45.1

MathOctopus in English

LLaMA 2-7B 42.4 38.3
MathOctopusP-7B 49.3 46.8
MathOctopusC-7B 50.8 49.3
LLaMA 2-13B 51.0 50.9
MathOctopusP-13B 55.5 52.1
MathOctopusC-13B 56.6 56.6
LLaMA 1-33B 50.0 49.0
MathOctopusP-33B 56.0 52.5
MathOctopusC-33B 53.7 51.5

Multilingual SFT can generally benefit Monolingual SFT


Above figure separately illustrates the test results of several models in their respective training languages. We observe that our model still surpasses the results of the monolingual SFT models in their native training languages. This suggests that, at least in the task of math reasoning, multilingual SFT can be considered a superior training strategy to monolingual SFT, effortlessly elevating the model’s performance in its native language.